Saturday, May 2, 2009


So here is how the story goes.... We don't have church until 1:00 on sundays and the time always seems to drag and then we end up getting irritated with everything... so we thought why not go enjoy the great outdoors before church... we woke up early and thought we should use our annual pass to the parks since we live so close :)  we began getting ready.. before we know it, it has taken us an hour to load everything.  oh well we still have time.  We drive to the park and get things ready to go on a short walk/hike.  Change Mia's diaper... get maddie in the hiking pack.. pack snacks, wipes, and diapers... get mia in her bjorn... oops time to feed Mia.  Okay so we are finally off with the fam and dogs and then we find out dogs can only go on one trail.   okay... take the dogs back and tie them up outside the car so they don't die of the heat.  Now we are on our way!  yay... uh oh time is ticking.   We get on the shuttle and get off at the lodges, mmm that ice cream looks really good!  we get some  ice cream and yep Mia pooped.... so we find a tree to sit under and change Mia.  We finally get on the trail and see some beautiful waterfalls.  Time is ticking faster.... Maddie we have to go!  But maddie is on foot now and we all know how fast a two year old hikes :)  Okay the time we were shooting for to leave by to make it to church is long gone.. we get back on the bus and Mia poops out everywhere.... i bet the passengers loved that smell :)   we get back to the car and i have one wipe left to clean Mia's buns....lucky me! oh yah i forgot... krissy, shawn's sister was going to meet us to come to church with us... we didn't have our cell phone on the hike and we wanted to let her know that we were probably not going to make it so we used a pay phone and our credit card to call her... when we got home and checked our bank account it was a 25 DOLLAR PHONE CALL!   oops!  So all in all we had ton of fun (although it may not come across that way)  we figured it was worth it to miss church to have such a memorable sunday morning with our beautiful girls!  

we all got a treat on the way home!