Monday, November 10, 2008

My big strong man!

I am so proud of my Shawnie!  He has been running a lot this past year and has been signing up for a few races... he decided he wanted to push himself a little further and try a half marathon.  He did really good! he ran it in just less than 2 hours and took 164th place out of about 950!  Anyway here is the only picture we got.... i forgot my camera!  Way to go Shawn!


Anna said...

Congrats Shawn, you are da man! Love Maddie's outfit by the way.

harmony marie said...

Awesome Shawn! Such cute pictures of daddy and daughter (she is gorgeous)

Jess said...

Alright Shawn!
P.S. Laura, I'm sorry if I made you late going to see him finish the marathon. Thanks for the bows, they were a big hit with Jake's family!

Leslee said...

Glad you're having so much fun and keeping fit at the same time... and who is that darling little future marathon runner next to you... oh, yeah, my St. George granddaughter! You guys make up 2/3 of the cutest family in St. Geo. Congrats! See you guys soon. xoxo MIYL

Anonymous said...

way to go shawn!

The Burnetts said...

yay! I'm so proud of you! I'm going to go ahead and let you represent the family since I hate running...Taylor says, "go uncle Shawnie!"

Oh, and we love Maddie. She's the cutest!

Anonymous said... are awesome..congrats on the run. Laura..I need to bows for my family pics coming up..when r u leaving for Cali? Love the pic of Maddie..especially the boots. she is too cute.a

Josh and Megan said...

Lookin' good Shawn! You're so skinny...wait, is that a compliment for a boy? Skinny, but oh so muscular and handsome!